Inhiquit 48 SC
Active principle:
Formulation: Concentrated suspension.
Mode of use: Mode of application: shake before opening. Half fill the sprayer tank with clean water. Add INHIQUIT 48 S.C according with the dose and consumption/ hectare. Fully fill the tank with water. During operations, keep the stirrer moving.
Method of application: use sprayer equipment. Ensure an appropriate coverage using sufficient volumes. Do not use less than 40 l/ha in aerial applications. The coverage should be at least 70 drops per cm2. Do not make aerial applications at a distance lower than 500 meters in any urban or suburban area or populated area. Do not make mechanized terrestrial applications on extensive crops (cereals, oilseeds, forage crops) at a distance lower than 300 meters in any urban or suburban area or populated area.
Compatibility: it is compatible with insecticides and fungicides of neutral reaction. In case of doubt, carry out a test in a small sample.
Waiting period: 30 days in every crop.
Toxicological profile: Toxicity scale: IV (four) IPCS/WHO 2004. No antidote.