Chemical group:
Organic acids (carboxylic acid ethyl).
Ethers (alquil aril polyglycol ether).
Active principle:
Formulation: soluble concentration.
Dose: When used only as a wetting adjuvant, use 60 milliliters of CLE per 100 liters of spray solution.
Mode of application: Fill the application tank with the recommended amount of water. First add CLE, and shake until the desired coloration is reached according to the pH scale attached. (Optimal range: pH 4 to 4.5). Finally, add the agrochemical that will be used.
Application Method: Terrestrial or aerial applications. Do not carry out aerial applications at a distance lower than 500 meters from any urban or suburban area or populated area. Do not perform mechanized terrestrial applications on extensive crops (cereals, oilseeds and forage crops) at a distance lower than 300 meters from any urban or suburban area and populated area.
Compatibility: Do not apply with agrochemicals subject to acid hydrolysis, such as sulfonylureas.
Minimum re-entry period: According to the indications of the main product, which accompanies CLE.