Blindar 200 S.C.

General information: BLINDAR 200 SC acts by contact and ingestion. It has a long residual effect. It penetrates leaf tissue and it has translaminar action which prevents it from being washed by rainfall after its application. It belongs to the Anthranilic diamides chemical family and it activates ryanodine receptors, affecting muscular contraction. The affected insects show paralysis, stop feeding and die between 24 and 72 hours later.

Chemical group: Anthranilic diamides

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Blindar 200 SC

Active principle:




Formulation: Concentrated suspension













Moment(s) of application: for each combination: Go to Observations column.

Number, frequency or spacing of applications: a maximum of two applications per crop cycle. In case of having to carry out more than one treatment, rotate insecticides with different modes of action to avoid resistance.

Preparation method and application techniques: Load half the sprayer tank or airplane auxiliary tank with clean water. Add BLINDAR 200 SC according with the dose and the consumption per hectare. When using emulsifying oil, pre-mix it with water and pour it to the sprayer tank with the stirrers moving. In order to act properly, the product has to cover adequately the target. The amount of water or the vehicle has to be chosen according with the type of crop, development stage, and type of equipment and climate conditions.

Compatibility and phytotoxicity: If the recommendations are followed, it is no phytoxic. If it is mixed with other products and the reaction, effectivity, phytotoxicity is unknown, carry out a test in a small sample before applying it to crops.

Waiting period: 
Soybean 15 days, Corn: 65 days.