
BIOFORCE Pack of liquid inoculation: It is made of 2 components in a compact, easy-to-handle presentation, prepared to inoculate 4,000 kg of soybean seed corresponding approximately to 50 ha, depending on the seed density

1) Bioforce Inoculant
2) Bioprotector As Stick force

In the Bioforce liquid inoculant, the most advanced technology of inoculant production on liquid carriers has been synthesized through the incorporation of bacterial concentration stabilizers, osmo-regulators and inducers of early nodulation, specific lipo-chitin oligosaccharides (LCOs). It is an inoculant with a minimum concentration at the time of manufacture of 1x 10 (10) CFU Bradyrhizobios/mL, being 5 to 10 times more concentrated than traditional liquid inoculants. Another element to note is that the volume of the dose has increased from 150 to 200 ml, which represents a 33% increase compared to conventional liquid inoculants and even to those of improved technology.

The bio-agent As Stick Force that accompanies the inoculant is also a new development designed to protect the inoculant bacteria from dehydration and to generate the rapid proliferation of the inoculant bacteria in the rhizosphere. This bioprotector, together with the stability and high concentration of the inoculant and the use of compatible seed treatment products, allow the anticipated inoculation with a high degree of security compared to the possibilities offered by conventional liquid inoculants.

Bioforce: Download Datasheet  >   |   Download Transport Sheet >

As-Stick Force: Download Datasheet >   |   Download Transport Sheet > 




It contains pure stabilized crops from selected strains of Bradyrhizobium elkanii, U-1301 and U-1302, specific for soy (Glycine max L. Merril), in aqueous suspension.

Other components: Osmoprotective polysaccharides, anti-polymeric dehydrators and nodulation stimulation factors – Lipo Quito Oligosaccharides (LCOs

Minimum Concentration

At manufacture date: > 2 x 10(9) Bradyrizobios/ mL
At the date of expiration: > 1 x 10(9) Bradyrizobios/ mL

The above mentioned values are registry requirements. Inoculant BIOFORCE is formulated at a minimum concentration of 1×10 (10) Bradyrizobios/mL, which is guaranteed by the company, being this one of the outstanding characteristics of the product.


Dose: 50 mL/50 kg of soy seeds, diluted in 200 mL of BIOFORCE liquid inoculant.

Characteristics: The bioprotector AS STICK-FORCE was created to be used with the BIOFORCE soy inoculant. It is made up of substances that adhere and protect the bacteria of the inoculant from dehydration, keeping the seed´s viability for longer periods which allows treatments before planting.  It generates the proliferation of the inoculant bacteria, once the seed is planted, in response to the supply of rapidly assimilated energy compounds.

Use instructiones: Read the label before using the product. Shake the inoculant package until all components are re-suspended. Add 50 mL of AS STICK – FORCE bio-protector per 200 mL of BIOFORCE inoculant, reaching a volume of 250 mL. It can be filled with water to a final volume of 300 mL. These proportions are achieved with the addition of 1 L of AS STICK – FORCE for each 4 L bag of BIOFORCE inoculant.

If desired, 1 L of water can be added, thus obtaining a total volume of 6 L, in order to achieve a more even distribution on the seed. Shake it to obtain a smooth mixture. Use appropriate inoculation equipment. After inoculation, plant as soon as possible to obtain greater results.

Application Dose: 200 mL of BIOFORCE inoculant every 50 kg of soybean seed. Each box contains 4 L of BIOFORCE Inoculant (20 dose); enough to inoculate 1,000 kg of soybean seed. The highest effectiveness of the inoculant is obtained with the addition of Bio-protector AS STICK – FORCE, which is included in the inoculation pack.

Each complete inoculation pack contains 4 boxes of 4 L of Bioforce inoculant (16 L in total – 80 dose), and 4 bottles of 1 L of Bioprotector As – Stick Force (4 L in total). Sufficient amount to inoculate 4,000 kg of soybean.

Check the inoculants´ expiration date. Once opened, the package must be used within the next 24 hours. Keep the inoculant and inoculated seed in the shade and at less than 25 ° C. Do not mix the inoculant with biocidal products (bactericides, fungicides, and insecticides), fertilizers or saline, acid or alkaline products. If seeds treatments are used, never mix the inoculant with it in a same container. It is recommended not to use fertilizers in the seed furrow, where the inoculated seed is in contact with the fertilizer.